Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills on the Use of Augmented Reality with the TAM Approach


Dara Yulia
Muhammad Anwar
Hendra Hidayat
Ilmiyati Rahmy Jasril


Technology has always been present and evolving over time, and the emergence of increasingly advanced technology has influenced various aspects of society's lives, one of which is education. One of the trending technological developments in the field of education is the use of technology-based learning media. However, there are still significant challenges related to the underutilization of technology in the context of learning media. The purpose of this research is to identify how students at State Vocational High School (SVHC) 2 Payakumbuh respond to new technology, namely Augmented Reality, which will be implemented in the basic learning process. Augmented Reality is a technology that combines elements of the real world with the virtual world by representing objects in three-dimensional form. The methodological approach in this research is the Technology Acceptance Model. This research involves quantitative data and includes descriptive analysis, validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing using the Smart PLS3 application. The analyzed data indicates that there is an influence of students' Critical Thinking Skill levels on the ease of using technology, an influence of the ease of using technology on the usefulness of technology, and an influence of the ease of using technology on the behavior of continuing to use technology.
