The Contribution of Learning Interest, Learning Readiness and Learning Strategies to Student Learning Participation Using Wokwi Simulation in Learning


Azura Rama Wulandari
Hendra Hidayat


This study aims to increase student learning participation and make it easier for teachers to practice what will be taught using wokwi simulation. The type of research used is quantitative correlational and for the sampling technique used in this study is the Stratified Random Sampling sampling technique, using a sample of 64 students in class XI Electronics Engineering. The data collection technique that researchers use is a questionnaire. The results showed that interest in learning made a significant contribution of 36.1% to learning participation. Learning readiness makes a significant contribution of 12.6% to learning participation. Learning strategies make a significant contribution of 7.8% to learning participation. Learning interest and learning readiness together contribute a significant 57,2% to student learning participation.
