Contribution of Learning Motivation, Learning Strategies, Information Literacy Towards Work Readiness in Learning


Riska Andani
Hendra Hidayat
Ikha Parma Dewi
Ilmiyati Rahmy Jasril


Work readiness is a condition in which individuals have the abilities, skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to enter and adapt to the world of work, including learning motivation, learning strategies and information literacy. The purpose of this study was to measure work readiness between learning motivation, learning strategies and information literacy towards work readiness. The researcher took a quantitative research method with a correlational approach, sampling used stratified random sampling, so that 63 students were obtained for the sample. Based on the results of the study, it shows that learning motivation towards work readiness is interrelated with a magnitude of 0.299, learning strategies towards work readiness are interrelated with a magnitude of 0.581, information literacy towards work readiness is interrelated with a magnitude of 0.570 and learning motivation, learning strategies, information literacy towards work readiness are interrelated with a magnitude of 0.670. The conclusion of this study is the relationship between learning motivation and work readiness contributes weakly, the relationship between learning strategies and work readiness contributes moderately, the relationship between information literacy and work readiness contributes moderately, and the relationship between learning motivation, learning strategies, information literacy towards work readiness contributes strongly.
