The Effect of Project Based Learning Models and Creativity on the Learning Outcomes
This research is based on the problemsound in class XI Computer Network Engineering (TKJ) State Vocational High School (SMK N) 1 Bukittinggi for the 2024/2025 school year, based on the results of observations carried out, it can be seen that during the learning process, the learning model used by the subject teacher for installing network device configurations using the Cooperative Learning Model with the demonstration method causes the learning process to become monotonous, students are less interested in the subject caused by the monotonous learning process, resulting in low student learning outcomes. This study alims to reveall How much influence does the PJBL lealrning model alnd Crealtivity halve on the lealrning outcomes of students in clalss XI TKJ in the subject of Network Device Configuraltion Installlaltion alt SMK N 1 Bukittinggi. This study is a quantitative research using the Experimental method with a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design research design. The subjects of this research are all students of grade XI TKJ for the 2024/2025 academic year. The results of data analysis showed that Fcal > Ftabel (89,927 > 3.15) then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, so it can be concluded that the independent variables (Project Based Learning Models and creativity) together affect the dependent variable (learning outcomes). When viewed from the results of the presentation of the influence, the PJBL learning model variables and creativity on learning outcomes amounted to 74.7%, this shows that both simultaneously almost 75% of the variation in student learning outcomes.